Hoi4 convoy escort fleet. Spam subs, make small task fleets, set on an engagement threat level that avoids huge loses and let em rip. Hoi4 convoy escort fleet

 Spam subs, make small task fleets, set on an engagement threat level that avoids huge loses and let em ripHoi4 convoy escort fleet  Naval Invasion support also does escort the invading fleet, which is quite useful since convoy escort isn't always 100% reliable and may be occupied protecting some supply convoys

For trade intrediction convoy riding and low risk engage + your choice of repair. The bombers will do heavy damage and escort destroyers when the find the American fleet my main fleets will attack and usually crush them. This configuration would be useful if we use destroyers adapted with sonar to hunt submarines only, avoiding large squadrons. Each hull type contains a number of module slots. Convoy escort. Latest HOI4 resource history spreadsheet (HOI4v 1. Time that the enemy has to naval bomb you. 6-8 CA. 1 update. The rest is educated guessing; HOI4 is decent as a simulation game. Puppet and annex to get the fleet. The next CVE line (Casablanca), none really went to the Brits, and most used in the Pacific for all roles, including aircraft ferrying, Fleet Carrier replenishment, Naval Invasion Support (CVE supported this more often than Fleet Carriers), convoy escort, supplementing fleet carriers in battle, etc. (unfortunately you cannot. At the beginning of the game, each player's navy will already be. "Sortie Efficiency" is a direct multiplier to how many attacks your naval bombers will make. My fleet instantly disengages, leaving my convoys to die. I believe that the convoy mission will tell you how many ships you need to properly cover the route, however researching the center path in fleet of being doctrine will let your escorts require less ships. 8. The light cruisers need minimal AA and the fleet destroyers don't need any. Open settings menu. I believe since your supply is coming from Constantinople, you actually need naval supremacy in the Eastern Med. Operating in squadrons of 6 on convoy escort. Detecting convoys isn't the problem for a 1 sub fleet. Do not ever complete escort carriers. It can patrol, convoy raid, convoy escort, and fight in fleet actions. Originally posted by Ryan: Ships assigned to Naval Invade will sit in their ports until the amphibious invasion is launched. Minelaying: Lays mines, giving you extra naval superiority,. Have all the subs deploy to one port and all the destroyers to one port. In this I explain both the Convoy Raiding and Convoy Escort. Invasion Support Fleet: Convoy Escort: Notes: - For Escort Carriers doing Escort, I put 50% Fighters and 50% Naval Bombers - For Carrier Fleet, I tend to Adjust Fighters, NB, and DB depending on the scenario. and stop your troops from going through the ocean. Worst hull, worst engine, worst gun, no torpedoes, maybe a cheap aa (it adds 90 + 2% to production cost, so only if you are really worried about plane attacks). This fleet will then carry out that mission over these areas. [deleted] •. I generally set my Flotillas to patrol unless I have a naval invasion in the region, then I set to convoy escort. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. The game kept showing "This convoy will arrive in the next region. As sterrius mentioned. CVLs in particular saw a fair bit of action in the HoI4 sense. Floatplane cruisers are ok for the escort fleet if you want to make one, but I wouldn't make more than 4/5 with a few anti-sub destroyers, but I wouldn't have them in the main fleet. 5 production per day. Even then, most of the time lost is spent closing the distance with the convoy, which is something even big sub fleets have to do. Patrol/Convoy Escort mission: CL and 2 DD fleet. And then you have to talk proper templates, screen ratios, and what type of ship works best in what type of. So that means you can indeed have one fleet with recon/patrol in sea zone A and another fleet with only carriers on strike force in sea zone A, and the carriers react to spotted enemy fleets in the sea zone A. Carriers are also excellent Convoy Escorts. You convoy raid them and any units that want. Base Strike is tailored and favoured to nations using a large number of carriers in their composition such as USA and Japan. In this short tutorial esque guide I will show how the current best way to counter the Axis sub spam, as the Allies (specifically the United Kingdom). I am clearly doing something horribly wrong with the convoy escorts though as the efficiency is always really low unless I devote 3-4 task forces to one sea region and I'm taking stupid losses in convoys. Fleet composition - subs are the easiest. Playing as Major; Escorts, cover the coastal regions. You might do well to add a single Carrier with nothing but Fighters to escort the fleet - if you do, outdated carriers should work fine. I've seen a battlegroup of just 2 Carriers with screens completely annihilate 15 convoys in one go. 2) The best raider fleet is level III or IV subs with radar because they hide and find things easy enough. My thought is each carriers has one capital ship escort and each capital ship has 2 escorts and so on and so on and because I have a weird mind I go with 4 Carrier, 4 Battleships and Battle Cruisers Mix, 8 Heavy Cruisers, 16 Light Cruisers. When you lose convoys you are told what sea node they are from. Up to 10 wolf packs, same for destroyers. Convoy escort, they prevent friendly convoys from being attacked Convoy interdiction, they try to sink enemy convoys. With a srategy to build the hull as a convoy escort, the AI would build them too, when it had enough shipyards, but ofc there are problems with the AI cancelling ships under construction and other things every time you load a savegame. while a strike force or patrol might decide not to start an engagement in the first place based on strength comparison, a raider will always initiate battle against spotted convoys -- except on Do Not Engage. Anti sub fleet consists of recon fleet (task forces of 1-2 spot light cruisers (just plane catapults, sonars and radars with first gun) and strike force (anti-sub destroyers. Thiberias. 0 (La Resistance). Even better if you're looking for subs in shallow waters where. Even if the portion of my fleet is VASTLY superior to the enemy fleet that is attacking the convoys the portion of my fleet in first contact will. Stop trading for anything that takes convoys. Controversial. It's really important not to have all of your escorts in only 1 task force. Good enough. So I'm wondering if it partially depends on what your enemy is doing. Also they were busy being with the fleet. its not that hard. Minelaying efficiency Affects overall efficiency of naval minelaying performed by fleets. I usually do the same fleet, so the fleet is 1 massive strike fleet and 9 solitary patrol ships. Destroyers for convoy escort. 3 torpedo tube tier 3s are necessary to get more than 60 torpedo attack. 5 per yard) x (QTY of naval yards dedicated) / (cost of design) = production cost in days. Convoy Escort: Protects your convoys against enemy ships. Strike the enemy fleet (This is your big capital fleet filled with BB's, carriers, heavy/light cruisers and DD's) Spot enemy ships for your strike fleet (The 5 DD size task forces) Convoy raid the enemy (10 submarine size task forces) Your. like convoy raiding/convoy escort. There are also convoy escorts active in these areas. ; About Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki; Mobile viewEven if you remove the subs and some 60 destroyers for escort duties from the fleet, the doomstack will still overwhelm pretty much anything the Japanese could throw at you. My strike force (a nice bunch of Battleships with some screens attached) just idles around in its port (which is as close as it gets to the patrolled ocean areas). A patch should most definitely be made to resolve this issue. Every once in awhile the patrol fleets will find a big group of subs and if the Home Fleet gets there in time, they will easily sink 20 to 30 subs. a. Set patrol ships to never engage. An optimal escort fleet is a lot of cheap interwar DDs with gun1, sonar1 and depth_charge1. Tbh idk man. And if you base your strike fleet too close the port strikes will be devestating. are located in the ideas folder under the country you are interested in, but the tech designers like the ship designers or the guys that boost infantry or arty tech. 6-8 CA. Maybe radar/sonar/depth charge and minesweeping gear. Each doctrine has a convoy defence doctrine path. Admiral Traits. I have 6 convoy escort task forces, each with one CL and 6 DDs escorting through 6 sea zones, and my escort efficiency is in the single or low double digits. Report. This is the basic concept of a "Fleet in Being" where you can control multiple. In addition to the functions above, navies can also participate in. At the start of the game, each country will have a. Also the same with Convoy Escorting. convoy escorts will still be able to fight against submarines once combat is initiated, even if subs are. Sort by: Best. make winning the air war very easy and cause permanent damage to the UK’s fleet. You can get 80% of the results with 20% of the effort (in this case naval mines-->allow for naval invasion). you can do convoy escort with destroyers and keep your main fleet nearby in strike force or whatever its called Reply reply urza5589 • My problem is not them getting sunk, it's just. For the first four, you need to pick the sea zones where you want them to do this task. Pugmak. Spam subs, make small task fleets, set on an engagement threat level that avoids huge loses and let em rip. r/hoi4. In the Sea of Biscayne a fleet with 4 task forces is only at 3-11% yet it says escort presence in area is 85% that's 32 ships in a single sea region with naval bombers also there. Make enough of them to have 100% escort efficiency (I'd say more than 50 for naval majors). Then combine all of your subs into one fleet. Then once you maintain high efficiency comfortably (convoy use should sky rocket when USA enters war, so wait until then for sure, also to gauge USA escort effectiveness and contribution), then upgrade escorts in a rolling method (say 1 TF at a time, if you have 10 TFs) to max radar/sonar/DCs and create HK groups - HK Patrols. To bring an end to this naval guide, we can conclude: Heavy Cruiser Light Attack spam is the current naval meta, especially in Multi-player. But chasing after the remaining 20% of results (consistent naval supremacy in any/all regions) is just a black hole of resources for relatively little gain. Convoy raising works by blocking landing craft and cutting supply lines to overseas divisions. However, players must keep some rules of thumb in mind: These ships are recommended in a strike fleet: 3-4 CV. They're fairly cheap and have low visibility, high speed, high detection, and good AA capability. With land based air also up in the sea zones around the islands, I figure I'll be good with sinking their fleet. Research snorkels and any tech that reduces torpedo reveal chance. 1 Shore bombardment. Deviant113 • 6 yr. The Helena is the. Sep 12, 2009 1. It is the most efficient in responding to the escort needs of convoys and in anti-submarine warfare. With regards to convoy escort, yes there is a difference. Submarines are a different story. You will need 3 types of task forces 1: subs. HoI4 is dumb and doesn't punish naval troop movement nearly enough if it's port to port instead of an invasion, so you won't lose very many divisions, especially if a throwaway fleet eats hits for the convoys. Not really a point in using subs against capital ships. - The submarines spam is amazing for singleplayer is low effort, effective and pretty set and forget. However, taking a fleet from Puerto Rico and using the "Right Click to move to that Naval Base" command does not set that base as the fleet's home port. So i've been experimenting a fair bit with naval composition throughout the months, playing around with doctrines, designs, etc. The navy gives you the agency to go and do anywhere, and not be locked to the limitations of a contiguous land passage. Doing this for example, you can dominate large stretches of ocean with convoy escorts, and only a couple strike forces. 3 CL and 9 DD is a lot for a patrol group and really better suited for convoy escort than patrol, especially once you deploy radar on your DD and CL (which you should do as quickly as possibly). The escort carrier or escort aircraft carrier (U. Convoy escorting destroyers are woefully unprepared to deal with this and you might do some serious damage before a human player realizes what is happening (the AI doesn't even respond sometimes :/) and sets their own death fleet to convoy escort. the right red circle is on the wrong ship though , wanted it to point at Akagi 3 there instead of 29. Which is primarily given by more ships. first successful sealion/allies cap after 100. Sometimes a separate fleet for Invasion Support and/or Mine Warfare. The maximum bombardment penalty is 25% and is proportional to the number of appropriate ships in the fleet. Other than that, you can always simply have the fleet tail the invasion force tile by tile to make absolute certain but there are still certain risks unless your fleet is. Anywhere from 9-15 separate fleets (not counting home-area fleets established for. Help! I'm playing as Britain going for world domination. Escort Carriers and Light carriers were a "thing" in WW2 naval operation. 4 carriers, 2 battleships, 30 heavy cruisers, 30 light cruisers and 120 destroyers (aside from the italy starting fleet. A single Naval Yard outputs 2. The most common use for naval task forces is protecting and attacking enemy convoys. I get the message as well, and I get it while playing USA with one 1 of 2 groups in the eastern seacoast adjacent regions (Newfoundland Sea, Eastern Seaboard, Florida Coast) on a convoy escort mission. You don't even get to the part where navy morale never. Generally, that gives me 4 CV, 2 BB, 4 CA, and a lot of escorts. a. Torps on CA and BC is a waste of a slot. You want to keep them at least smaller than twice your enemy's convoy escort fleet size. Naval strike. a tragedy that will halt Japan for the rest of the game. Its primarily the enemy Nav Bombers that is causing the problems though, not an enemy fleet. If the patrol (which is very wide spread) spots something before the local fleet can arrive I manually take fleet to support the local flotilla / wolfpack in the naval province. Historically, both the US and the UK used small carriers for patrol and convoy escort, but the game doesn't model this. The finisher tech "Sea Lane Defence", on the other hand, affects the "Escort Convoy" mission that you can give to fleets, which is pretty much useless--don't research that tech. Your AI Admirals try to avoid battles they'll lose, so you should be safe to keep them on convoy escort in some perimeter sea zones. I assign each fleet to about 3 areas each. Is there any math going on behind the scenes to account for the AA protection provided by the escorts in the zone, or will the bombers always get through regardless of how many Light Cruisers I stack into. ago. e. (Middle, Middle, Left) There is also no point because convoy raiding around the Cape of Africa is really strong. 9 DDs on patrol, deathstack on strike force. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Typically performed by submarines, but any ship can be used for this, even your strike fleet. Set this fleet on minelaying and fill every zone in the med to a thousand mines. 9. The best way is to make Spotting Cruisers (cruisers with only Float Plane 2s on them) and pair them up with 5-10 Destroyers each with only Sonar and Depth Charges. Pull your strike fleet back if your BBs have been lost or are being repaired. You’ll need a bunch of task forces to raise the efficiency. They only went after undefended convoys and never reinforced a battle that was against enemy escorts. Later on if you get into a war you should split off at least one strike force and smaller convoy escort and patrol task forces. I have seen 1 of these DD's go sink 4-6 Convoys and a enemy DD by itself but get sunk. A slow strike force increases the likelihood that your patrol will either retreat or be annihilated. Otherwise, fast boats and a carrier would work best at preventing convoy or escorts from escaping. Mining can also help. Even the German Navy is often good enough to do that. I mean when i play america i use task forces like the US did historically but its whatever i feel like so i would make the Main Heavy Force with all my BBs and CAs then i would create seperate Task Forces led by a Fleet carrier and Escort Carrier followed by a bunch of CLs DDs and a few SS. 9 Hold. I do sub convoy raid fleets of 20 and convoy escorts of 3 CL and 9 DD, but the big battle fleets elude me. Also split your SSs into small or big ship raiding task forces. I've had this happen, when I watch my escort fleets they will get into combat alongside the convoys and then flee. Typically, raiding fleets won't be set to engage escorts, meaning subs will avoid attacking convoys if your ships are around. You need at least 4 screening ships for every capital ship in your task force, otherwise your capital ships are going to get hit by torpedoes and they will have lower attack. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Extremly costly for medium gain, but if you have the oil, it works quite nice. Otherwise they stay in port. The day or two faster a big sub fleet can sink a large convoy doesn't mean much. 5 strategic regions. The convoys had the order to keep going, but they stayed in the region where the battle took place. If you're a major naval power, you can use carriers too, in. Tl;dr - Dual purpose battery heavy cruisers, armored light cruisers. 6.